LOG systems s.r.o.

LOG systems s.r.o.

Membre depuis: 2017

Košariska 174 | 900 46 Dunajská Lužná | Slovaquie | www.logsystems.sk


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Family company with more than 30 years history in forklift bussines. In our HQ with Slovkia- Dunajská Lužná we refubrished more than 100pc of forklifts mostly from our long term rental fleet. We offer new equipments ( Hyster, Yale, Combilift, Dieci) and also used equipments. We provide short term rental of forklifts and telehandlers from 1t-20t capacity.
- more than 1200 forklfits in long term rental fleet
- more than 200 forklift in short term rental fleet
- 40 mobile technicians in Slovakia and near the boarders
- 7 technician only for refubrishing of forklifts and otler equipments

Machines de construction: 2 Machines