Terex Wheel Excavators TW 130
Last updated: 30.12.2024
Forklift ID: bb050c1d/209211
14,821 GBP
Price excl. VAT
Dealer price
Condition: used

Machine Data

Make Terex

Type Wheel Excavators

Model TW 130

Engine type Diesel

Year 2008

Running hours 12,075

More information

Location Bystřany

Extra comments

kolové rypadlo Terex TW130
rok 2008
najeto 12.075 mth
váha 16t

Cena bez DPH.

Volejte od Po-Pá/9-17hod.
nebo pište.

Máte zájem o tento bagr?
Kontaktujte mě a ráda si s Vámi o tom pohovořím.

Bc. Černoskutová Viktorie
+420 608 244 ... 1384506821_V
Lokace: Jihočeský kraj

#czechmat #bazarbagru #pouzitatechnika #usedmachinery #gebrauchtemaschinen #bazarstrojuteplice #maszynybudowlane
#komunalnitechnika #bagryteplice #bazarnakladaku

(Message Translation):
Terex TW130 wheeled excavator
year 2008
mileage 12,075 mth
weight 16t

Price without VAT.

Call from Mon-Fri/9am-5pm.
or write.

Interested in this excavator?
Contact me and I will be happy to talk to you about it.

Bc. Black Victoria
+420 608 244 ... 1384506821_V
Location: South Bohemia region

#czechmat #bazarbagru #pouzitatechnika #usedmachinery #gebrauchtemaschinen #bazarstrojuteplice #maszynybudowlane
#komunalnitechnika #bagryteplice #bazarnakladaku

Selling Company/Dealer

CZECH M.A.T. s.r.o.
Bystřany 41761 | Czech Republic
Member since: 2021
