Case Wheel Excavators WX 188 (model 2016)
Last updated: 22.12.2024
Forklift ID: e7f1f21f/154781
66,028 GBP
Price excl. VAT
Dealer price
Condition: used

Machine Data

Make Case

Type Wheel Excavators

Model WX 188 (model 2016)

Engine type Diesel

Year 2015

Running hours 1,713

More information

Location Bystřany

Extra comments

kolové rypadlo CASE WX 188
rok 2015 / 2016 model
orig. pouze 1713 mth !
hmotnost 20.5t
motor kW 118
jediný majitel
vývody i na kladivo

Cena + DPH!

Máte zájem o tento traktorbagr?
Kontaktujte mě a rád Vám sdělím podrobnosti.

Volejte 608 244 780 nebo 778 Po-Pá/9-17hod nebo pište.
(i whatsapp

pod Prahou
ID 1665138133_J+V

Možno výhodně financovat.

#case188 #casewx188

#czechmat #bazarbagru #pouzitatechnika #usedmachinery #gebrauchtemaschinen #bazarstrojuteplice #maszynybudowlane #bagryteplice

(Message Translation):
CASE WX 188 wheeled excavator
year 2015 / 2016 model
orig. only 1713 mth!
weight 20.5t
engine kW 118
sole owner
quick release
outlets also for the hammer

Price + VAT!

Are you interested in this backhoe?
Contact me and I will be happy to give you the details.

Call 608 244 780 Mon-Fri/9am-5pm or write.
(also whatsapp

under Prague
ID 1665138133_J+S

It is possible to finance advantageously.

#case188 #casewx188

#czechmat #bazarbagru #pouzitatechnika #usedmachinery #gebrauchtemaschinen #bazarstrojuteplice #maszynybudowlane #bagryteplice

Selling Company/Dealer

CZECH M.A.T. s.r.o.
Bystřany 41761 | Czech Republic
Member since: 2021
