[div] Truck Concrete pumping _JINÉ (TR) Betonstar - SK 125
Last updated: 26.12.2024
Forklift ID: bea8d7d3/47919
2,762 GBP
Price excl. VAT
Dealer price
Condition: used

Machine Data

Make [div]

Type Truck Concrete pumping

Model _JINÉ (TR) Betonstar - SK 125

Engine type Diesel

Year 2020

Running hours n/a

More information

Location Bystřany

Extra comments

orig. zpětná klapka k betonpumpě/čerpadlu
85 bar

SLOVENSKO jihozápad
ID 1620836352_J

Volejte +420 608 244 780
Po-Pá / 9-17 h, nebo pište.
Máte zájem o tento předmět ? Kontaktujte nás a rádi si s Vámi o tom pohovoříme.

#czechmat #bazarbagru #pouzitatechnika #usedmachinery #gebrauchtemaschinen #bazarstrojuteplice #maszynybudowlane
#komunalnitechnika #bagryteplice #bazarnakladaku

(Message Translation):
original check valve for the concrete pump/pump
85 bar

SLOVAKIA southwest
ID 1620836352_J

Call +420 608 244 780
Mon-Fri / 9am-5pm, or write.
Are you interested in this subject? Contact us and we will be happy to discuss it with you.

#czechmat #bazarbagru #pouzitatechnika #usedmachinery #gebrauchtemaschinen #bazarstrojuteplice #maszynybudowlane
#komunalnitechnika #bagryteplice #bazarnakladaku

Selling Company/Dealer

CZECH M.A.T. s.r.o.
Bystřany 41761 | Czech Republic
Member since: 2021
