Ladog Other G 129 +Kobit
Last updated: 21.12.2024
Forklift ID: a7706030/45499
51,339 GBP
Price excl. VAT
Dealer price
Condition: used

Machine Data

Make Ladog

Type Other

Model G 129 +Kobit

Engine type Diesel

Year 2015

Running hours 3,616

Motor power 81 hp

More information

Location Bystřany

Extra comments

Motorleistung: 81 hp
Transportgewicht: 5000 kg

ca 63.900,- eur netto

diesel (4V
natáčecí nápravy

zametač K2

Máte zájem o tento univerzál?
Kontaktujte mne a ráda Vám sdělím podrobnosti.
Tel: +420 732 712 973

ID 7230_S
střední Slovensko

Ladog, komunál, zimní letní údržba, technické služby, úklid komunikací

(Message Translation):
Engine power: 81 hp
Transport weight: 5000 kg

approx. 63,900 euros net

diesel (4V
turning axles

sweeper K2

Are you interested in this universal?
Contact me and I will be happy to give you the details.
Phone: +420 732 712 973

ID 7230_S
central Slovakia

Ladog, communal services, winter and summer maintenance, technical services, road cleaning

Selling Company/Dealer

CZECH M.A.T. s.r.o.
Bystřany 41761 | Czech Republic
Member since: 2021
