HAMM H12i rok 2016 800 mth 1. majitel klima váha 11.750 kg
Zemní silniční válec guma-ocel na úpravu a hutnění zeminy při silničních pracech. Podobné válcovačky jako Dynapac, Stavostroj nebo BOMAG. Servis v ČR zajištěn.
Cena nového stroje ca. 2.500.000,- !
Cena bez DPH.
Možné splátky bez akontace pro klienty s historií !
Možný protiúčet za jakýkoliv stavební stroj, nákladní automobil - též i poškozený. Poptáváme grader 6x6 nebo buldozer s těžební radlicí do 5000 mth.
(Message Translation):
HAMM H12i year 2016 800 months 1. owner climate weight 11,750 kg
Rubber-steel soil road roller for preparation and compaction of soil during road works. Similar rolling mills such as Dynapac, Stavostroj or BOMAG. Service in the Czech Republic guaranteed.
Price of a new machine approx. 2,500,000!
Price without VAT.
Possible installments without down payment for clients with a history!
Possible counter account for any construction machine, truck - also damaged. We are looking for a 6x6 grader or a bulldozer with a mining blade up to 5000 mth.
Here you can print a QR-code that links to your machine data. QR-codes can be printed on a label and applied directly on your machine (supported types are e.g. Avery L4774-20, Herma 4377). Select the position on the label-carrier that you would like to print on using the dropdown-menu: 1 left top, 2 right top, 3 left bottom, 4 right bottom, 5 QR code centered size scaleable