Feldbinder Other 35.3 EUT
Last updated: 21.12.2024
Forklift ID: 316085e3/179140
5,117 GBP
Price excl. VAT
Dealer price
Condition: used

Machine Data

Make Feldbinder

Type Other

Model 35.3 EUT

Engine type Diesel

Year 1998

Running hours n/a

More information

Location Bystřany

Extra comments

Transportgewicht: 34000 kg

od neplátce / žádná dph

cisternové silo hlinikové Feldbinder 35.3 EUT
nesklopné - na cement nebo mouku
3os návěs - v provozu
rok 1998
hmotnost 4.2t
objem 35m3
nápravy BPW

bez kompresoru, ale ten je na tahači, který možno k tomu plus
2011 DAF 105.460 za +10.990,- eur

ID 1711551733 _J
SLOVENSKO poblíž CZ/AT hranic

Volejte +420 608 244 780 od Po-Pá / 9-17 h, nebo pište.
Máte zájem o tento předmět ? Kontaktujte nás a rádi si s Vámi o tom pohovoříme.

#czechmat #bazarbagru #pouzitatechnika #usedmachinery #gebrauchtemaschinen #bazarstrojuteplice #maszynybudowlane
#komunalnitechnika #bagryteplice #bazarnakladaku

(Message Translation):
Transport weight: 34000 kg

from non-payer / no VAT

aluminum tank silo Feldbinder 35.3 EUT
unbendable - on cement or flour
3-axle semi-trailer - in operation
year 1998
weight 4.2t
volume 35m3
BPW axles

without a compressor, but it is on the tractor, which can be a plus
2011 DAF 105.460 for +10,990 EUR

ID 1711551733 _J
SLOVAKIA near the CZ/AT border

Call +420 608 244 780 from Mon-Fri / 9am-5pm, or write.
Are you interested in this subject? Contact us and we will be happy to discuss it with you.

#czechmat #bazarbagru #pouzitatechnika #usedmachinery #gebrauchtemaschinen #bazarstrojuteplice #maszynybudowlane
#komunalnitechnika #bagryteplice #bazarnakladaku

Selling Company/Dealer

CZECH M.A.T. s.r.o.
Bystřany 41761 | Czech Republic
Member since: 2021
