BOMAG Other BR 95 Vibrationsstampfer - NEUHEIT
Last updated: 11.03.2025
Forklift ID: 6b726f5c/206489
1,668 GBP
Price excl. VAT
Dealer price
Condition: used

Machine Data


Type Other

Model BR 95 Vibrationsstampfer - NEUHEIT

Engine type Diesel

Year 2023

Running hours n/a

More information

Location Amberg

Extra comments

Lagernummer: BR95

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Gerne bieten wir Ihnen einen BOMAG BR 95 Vibrationsstampfer an.

Mit Gashebel oben (Deutsche Ausführung)

Die Maschine verfügt über:
Gewicht: 92 kg, Leistung: 3,5 kW, Länge: 475 mm, Breite: 450 mm, Höhe: 1030 mm, Baujahr: 2022, Sofort einsatzbereit

Eignet sich optimal für die Bodenverdichtung von gewachsenen Böden, geschütteten Böden und nichtbindigen Böden.
Im Erdbau ermöglicht sie bis zu einer Schütthöhe von 25 cm eine schnelle und fachgerechte Gründung.
Sie ist robust und zuverlässig. Sie kann auf allen Baustellen,
in einem Graben und im Kanalbau, bei Verdichtungsarbeiten an Hinterfüllungen und Fundamenten,
direkt an Mauern und Hauswänden oder bei Konturarbeiten zum Einsatz kommen.
Insbesondere im GaLaBau und auf kleinen Baustellen spielt die Round Plate ihre Stärken voll aus:
die Kombination aus Leistung, leichter Handhabung und konsequentem Bedienerschutz.

Kontaktieren Sie uns bei weiteren Fragen!
Die Inhalte unserer Angebote wurden mit größter Sorgfalt erstellt.
Für die Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit und Aktualität der Inhalte und Preise können wir jedoch keine Gewähr übernehmen.

Ladies and Gentlemen

We are happy to offer you a BOMAG BR 95 vibratory rammer.

With throttle above (German version)

The machine features:, Weight: 92kg, Power: 3.5kW, Length: 475mm, Width: 450mm, Height: 1030mm, Year of construction: 2022, Ready for immediate use

Ideally suited for soil compaction of grown soils, poured soils and non-cohesive soils.
In earthworks, it enables quick and professional foundations up to a fill height of 25 cm.
It is robust and reliable. It can be used on all construction sites,
in a ditch and in canal construction, during compaction work on backfills and foundations,
used directly on walls and house walls or for contour work.
The Round Plate shows its strengths to the full in gardening and landscaping and on small construction sites:
the combination of performance, easy handling and consistent operator protection.

Contact us if you have any further questions!
The content of our offers was created with the greatest care.
However, we cannot guarantee that the content and prices are correct, complete and up-to-date.

(Message Translation):
Stock number: BR95

Ladies and Gentlemen

We are happy to offer you a BOMAG BR 95 vibratory tamper.

With throttle lever at the top (German version)

The machine features:
Weight: 92 kg, power: 3.5 kW, length: 475 mm, width: 450 mm, height: 1030 mm, year of manufacture: 2022, ready for immediate use

Is ideal for soil compaction of established soils, filled soils and non-cohesive soils.
In earthworks, it enables quick and professional foundations up to a filling height of 25 cm.
It is robust and reliable. It can be used on all construction sites,
in a ditch and in canal construction, during compaction work on backfills and foundations,
Can be used directly on walls and house walls or for contour work.
The Round Plate really shows off its strengths, particularly in landscaping and on small construction sites:
the combination of performance, easy handling and consistent operator protection.

Contact us if you have any further questions!
The contents of our offers were created with the greatest care.
However, we cannot guarantee that the content and prices are correct, complete or up-to-date.

Ladies and gentlemen

We are happy to offer you a BOMAG BR 95 vibratory rammer.

With throttle above (German version)

The machine features:, Weight: 92kg, Power: 3.5kW, Length: 475mm, Width: 450mm, Height: 1030mm, Year of construction: 2022, Ready for immediate use

Ideally suited for soil compaction of grown soils, poured soils and non-cohesive soils.
In earthworks, it enables quick and professional foundations up to a fill height of 25 cm.
It is robust and reliable. It can be used on all construction sites,
in a ditch and in canal construction, during compaction work on backfills and foundations,
used directly on walls and house walls or for contour work.
The Round Plate shows its strengths to the full in gardening and landscaping and on small construction sites:
the combination of performance, easy handling and consistent operator protection.

Contact us if you have any further questions!
The content of our offers was created with the greatest care.
However, we cannot guarantee that the content and prices are correct, complete and up-to-date.

Selling Company/Dealer

OBM Baumaschinen GmbH
Amberg 92224 | Germany
Member since: 2020
